Investigative journalism and leaks

English Conversation Questions on Investigative journalism and leaks

  • What is investigative journalism and how does it differ from traditional journalism?
  • What are some examples of important stories that were broken by investigative journalists?
  • How do journalists protect their sources when reporting on sensitive information?
  • What are some of the legal and ethical considerations surrounding the use of leaked information in journalism?
  • Can you give an example of a story where the use of leaked information led to positive change?
  • What are some of the risks and challenges faced by investigative journalists?
  • How have advancements in technology impacted investigative journalism and the use of leaks?
  • What are some notable cases of whistleblowers and their impact on investigative journalism?
  • How does investigative journalism and the use of leaks play a role in holding those in power accountable?
  • What are some ways that the general public can support investigative journalism and the use of leaks?
  • What is the future of investigative journalism and leaks in the era of “fake news” and misinformation?

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