Journalism in a post-truth era

English Conversation Questions on Journalism in a post-truth era

  • What is the definition of “post-truth” and how does it relate to journalism?
  • How has the rise of social media and the internet affected the way news is reported and consumed?
  • What are some examples of “fake news” and how does it spread?
  • What role do fact-checkers play in the current era of journalism?
  • What are some strategies that news organizations can use to combat the spread of misinformation?
  • How have traditional news organizations adapted to the changing media landscape?
  • What are the potential consequences of a “post-truth” era for democratic societies?
  • How can consumers of news be more critical and discerning in the current era?
  • What are some innovative solutions being proposed to address the challenges of journalism in a “post-truth” era?
  • What are some best practices for journalists in the current era?
  • What is the future of journalism in a “post-truth” era?

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