Trendy food choices at restaurants

English Conversation Questions on Trendy food choices at restaurants

  • What are some current food trends in restaurants?
  • Have you tried any new or trendy menu items at restaurants recently?
  • What are some popular food items that have become staples on restaurant menus?
  • Do you think the trend towards healthier menu options is here to stay?
  • What are some examples of trendy food items that are making a comeback?
  • What are some unique or unusual ingredients being used in new menu items at restaurants?
  • How do you think technology is impacting the types of food being offered at restaurants?
  • What are some ways that restaurants are trying to stay ahead of the curve in terms of food trends?
  • What are some food trends that you predict will become popular in the future?
  • Do you think that certain types of cuisine are becoming more popular in restaurants than others?
  • How do you think the COVID-19 pandemic has affected food trends in restaurants?

More English Conversation Questions on Restaurants and eating out