Benefits and drawbacks of different seasons

English Conversation Questions on Benefits and drawbacks of different seasons

  • What are some of the benefits of warm weather during the summer season?
  • What are some drawbacks of hot weather during the summer season?
  • What are some benefits of the cool weather during the spring and fall seasons?
  • What are some drawbacks of the cool weather during the spring and fall seasons?
  • What are some benefits of the cold weather during the winter season?
  • What are some drawbacks of the cold weather during the winter season?
  • Do different seasons have any impact on your mood or mental health? How so?
  • How does the weather impact different outdoor activities and sports?
  • Do different seasons affect the local economy in any way?
  • How does the weather influence tourism in different areas?
  • What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of living in a place with consistent weather all year round?

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